Pets Heal Hearts

In the midst of all that is going on with the worldwide pandemic, we are experiencing plenty of emotions as every single human navigates this uncharted territory together.

Confused, lonely, anxious, sad, angry, and hopeless – just to name a few. Many of us are quarantined to “flatten the curve” in order to not overwhelm our health care system. People are adapting in their jobs and working from home. Businesses are shifting the entire way they operate. People are uncertain what the future holds for their income and there are some who have lost their jobs. Thousands are sick around the world and the numbers continue to rise. With the uncertainty of health, income, and the economy – this pandemic can be scary.

One thing continues to provide a source of comfort during this time – our pets.  Maybe you already had a furry family member (or two…or five), or perhaps you decided to become a foster (thank you!). No matter the case, the animals in our lives bring us joy, stability, and so many cuddles. Pets Heal Hearts is dedicated to all the animals who are helping their humans by providing comfort and stability throughout the chaos.

We would love for you to send in a story about how your pet gets you through the hard stuff in life. It can be long, it can be short. It can be emotional or it can be funny. It can be a video or a photo. You can email your stories, photos, and videos to or simply tag us on Facebook or Instagram and use the hashtag #petshealhearts. We will be sharing the stories over the next few weeks to the Lawrence Humane Society social media.

We hope our community can make you smile and remind you for a moment that it’s not so bad if there’s tails wagging in your home.
