“Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know how much our family is enjoying Tom. He has adapted wonderfully. He loves holding a tennis ball while getting belly rubs, giving kisses and using his new brother, Gus, as a pillow.
He has been great for Gus. Gus was lonely after our other dog passed away, but with Tom to play with, Gus has lost weight and is much happier.
Tom has also turned into an excellent guard dog. The first couple of weeks he was here, he didn’t bark at all. Then one day the sheriff stopped by to tell us they were looking for someone they thought might be in this area. Tom started barking at him and has never stopped! He keeps us safe from delivery people, small airplanes, large birds, snakes and once even alerted us to a box turtle crossing the driveway – he’s very thorough!
He also “helps” our Anatolian Shepherd who guards our goats. They bark at coyotes together each evening and you can tell Tom thinks he’s very tough!
Thanks so much for the work all of you at the Humane Society do. Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoy Tom and how good he’s doing. And I remember he had been brought back once for being destructive, so I wanted you to know he’s not that way now. He loves cow hooves so we keep him well supplied with those and he burns off the rest of his energy playing with Gus and fulfilling all his guard duties -with the occasional Ranger ride thrown in as a fun treat!”
– Jamie Hill