Impact Breakfast

Maceli's 1031 New Hampshire St, Lawrence, KS 66044, United States

Pots n’ Pups with Jungle House

Jungle House and Lawrence Humane are excited to present the first-ever Pots n’ Pups! You won’t want to miss this exciting event where you can paint/decorate a pot, play with pups, and you’ll even get to take home your plant creation! Our friends from Jungle House will help you pot your new plant, while the […]


Kitten Shower Happy Hour

Lawrence Humane Society 1805 E. 19th Street, Lawrence, Kansas

Kitten season is right around the corner and that means we are in need of kitten supplies *and* kitten fosters! Help us stock up on much-needed supplies, enjoy drinks and snacks (for adults AND kids!), play with kittens, enjoy a fun craft activity, and learn about fostering for Lawrence Humane! You bring the kitten supplies […]

Vaccine Clinic

Lawrence Humane Society 1805 E. 19th Street, Lawrence, Kansas

Please fill out this form to be added to Lawrence Humane Society's low-cost vaccine clinic waitlist. Lawrence Humane Society hosts low-cost vaccination clinics at the end of every month, except for the month of December. There is a high demand for low-cost vaccine clinic appointments, and as a result many folks are on the waitlist […]

Petco Adoption Event

Petco on Iowa Street

An adoption special on either puppies or kittens! Stay tuned for more details.

Lawrence Earth Day Fair

South Park 1141 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas

The City of Lawrence and the Watkins Museum invite you to the annual Lawrence Earth Day Fair! This free event will happen in South Park and feature lots of earth-friendly crafts and activities for you and your family. Lawrence Humane will be tabling at this event. Find the bright green table and come chat with […]

Mullie Classic Golf Tournament

Lawrence Country Club 400 Country Club Terrace, Lawrence, KS 66049

Mulligan (Mullie) was a puppy with a severely broken jaw and a host of other injuries when she arrived at Lawrence Humane. It took extensive dental surgery and months of recovery, but she is now a happy dog in a loving home and lives her best life advocating for the animals at Lawrence Humane. You can […]

Pride Festival

Lawrence PRIDE is on Saturday, June 7, 2025, with a parade in Downtown Lawrence at 11:00 a.m. and a block party in South Park after the parade. What to Expect: ✨ Parade along Mass Street ✨ Drag Performers ✨ Vendors featuring everything from crafts to delicious treats and PRIDE merch  Look for the bright green […]