The Condiment Crew (Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Mayo, and Yum Yum) were brought to us at Lawrence Humane when they were just two days old, along with their mama, who unfortunately was in distress due to post-partum complications and couldn’t stop bleeding after they were born. She did her best to take care of her newly-born kittens, but as she got weaker she had less and less to give them. Despite our best efforts, we were unable to save her as she was brought to us too late. At only two days old, the five little kittens found themselves malnourished orphans.

Kittens that young aren’t able to regulate their body temperature, eat or drink by themselves, or even go to the bathroom on their own. And their immune systems are so under-developed that they are super susceptible to diseases and very, very medically fragile. With no mom to take care of them, neonatal kittens can’t survive without someone stepping in to provide that kind of dedicated care.

The Condiment Crew were lucky though! Because they were brought to Lawrence Humane, we were able to send them to an experienced foster home with an incubator. The incubator provided the consistent warmth and humidity that the kittens’ bodies needed to survive. And their foster mom provided the round-the-clock care required for neonatal kittens to thrive. The kittens were bottle-fed and stimulated to go to the bathroom every two hours…including through the night! They were socialized and learned to trust and adore humans. As they got older, they were trained to use the litter box and eat kitten food on their own. And when they got sick – as vulnerable kittens sometimes do despite every precaution – and started to lose a dangerous amount of weight at an alarming pace, we worked with the foster mom and provided all of the medications, medical interventions, and specialized food that the kittens needed to become healthy again.

We didn’t give up on Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Mayo, or Yum Yum. We believed in them and committed ourselves to their care and well-being.

Kitten Season is one of the hardest times of year for animal shelters and Lawrence Humane is no exception. Here’s what Kitten Season has looked like at Lawrence Humane from March through July:

Orphan and neonatal kittens are one of the most euthanized populations in animal shelters across the country. However, that is NOT the case here in Lawrence. The staff at Lawrence Humane are committed to ensuring that every kitten who enters our care has the best possible chance for a happy, healthy life. But this is not possible without our community’s support.

Would you be willing to make a gift of $100 or an amount that is meaningful to you before September 15, so that it can be matched?