The Lawrence Humane Society put out the call for Douglas County residents to participate in our 2020 Fur Ball Contests. You answered, and we have the winners!
First up, we have the winners of our Fur Ball Fun Runs!
1st Place: Prize Package – Handmade pet portrait from Cale Moore Portraits, $250 voucher from Sunflower Canine, one hour-long session of dog grooming at Pawsh Wash and a bag of Love Grub food.
- Winner: Daisy with time of 00:11:40
2nd Place: Prize Package – Water bowl fountain from Petco, $150 voucher from Sunflower Canine, one hour-long session of grooming at Pawsh Wash, a bag of Love Grub food.
- Winner: Rowdee with time of 00:17:40
3rd Place: Prize Package – $100 Voucher from Sunflower Canine, one hour-long session from Pawsh Wash, a bag of love grub
- Winner: Rigby with time of 00:21:82
Honorable mention: These dogs finished with times between 22 and 23 seconds!
- Frosty
- Toni
- Hugo
- Nova
- Seymour
Congratulations to all our winners! And thank you for all the doggos who came out and had fun on the Fur Ball Fun Run course.
We also have our top three vote-getters in DOGgelgangers & Copy CATS: A Look Alike Competition.
Grand Prize: Pet Photo Shoot, Custom Oval Heritage Wood Framed Print from the Photo Shoot, Deck of Custom Playing Cards from the Photo Shoot, Four Complimentary Tickets to the 2021 Fur Ball, Four Free Registration for the 2021 Paw Valley Challenge & 5K…all from Crystal Image Studios.
- Winner: Bandit x2 and Andrea Knickerbocker
2nd Place – $50 Gift Card from Lucky Dog Outfitters,Two Complimentary Tickets to the 2021 Fur Ball, Two Free Registration for the 2021 Paw Valley Challenge & 5K, An LHS Frisbee.
- Winner: Cooper and Allison Putman
3rd Place – Two Complimentary Tickets to the 2021 Fur Ball, Two Free Registration for the 2021 Paw Valley Challenge & 5K, An LHS Frisbee.
- Winner: Todd and John Hanley
Honorable Mention:
- Twyla & Kate Kemper
- Etta & Sarah Smith
Congratulations on some great look alikes!
From there, we go to our winners for the “That Can’t Be Comfortable” category.
1st Place – $50 gift card from Lucky Dog and $50 gift card from The Burger Stand at the Casbah.
- Winner: Dorian & Kara Kendall Morwick (1:50 in video)
2nd Place: Prize Package – One hour long session from Pawsh Wash and $25 gift card from Sunflower Canine.
- Winner: Kristi Hill (3:11 in video)
3rd Place: Prize Package – A Pet Bed from Petco and handmade dog and cat towels from an LHS supporter.
- Winner: Jennifer Henning (2:43 in video)
Thank you to all the pet lovers who submitted their pictures!
Pets have an interesting love-hate relationship with water. Here are the winning submissions from our “Come On In, the Water’s Fine,” competition.
1st Place – $75 Sunflower Canine Voucher
- Winner: Ranee Baker (6:42)
2nd Place – Love Grub dog food bag and one hour long session of dog grooming from Pawsh Wash
- Winner: Kasi Wilson & Gus (5:35)
3rd Place – $50 Lucky Dog Card and homemade dog & cat towels from an LHS supporter.
- Winner: Jenna Tinkel (4:42)
Thank you to all the pet owners who participated in the competition!
Next up, we get an idea of what your pets do while you’re away for the day. Let’s find out who won, “When Parents Are Way, Pets Will Play.”
1st Place: Prize Package -$50 Sunflower Canine voucher and gift card from The Burger Stand at the Casbah.
- Winner: Jennifer Kay (1:22)
2nd Place: One hour-long session from Pawsh Wash and a $25 Sunflower Canine gift card.
- Winner: Ariana Frantz (1:19)
3rd Place: Breakout Lawrence gift package.
- Winner: Bridget Guffey (1:44)
Thank you to everyone who sent in submissions, these were all so cute!
Do you have a hidden talent? We know your pets have Hidden TAILents! Here are the winners for best trick.
1st Place: Prize Package – $75 Sunflower Canine gift card and bag of Love Grub food.
- Winner: Joanna Harader (:39)
2nd Place: Prize Package – Wheatfield’s Bakery & Cafe gift cards and $25 Sunflower Canine voucher.
- Winner: Lynn Mittelstadt (:16)
3rd Place: Texas Roadhouse gift baskets
- Winner: Kimberly Mooney (1:05)
So many great tricks, thank you to everyone who played!
Did you know Douglas County has some amazing pet singers? Let’s see who took, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the singing competition.
1st Place: $75 certificate from Sunflower Canine.
- Winner: Louisa & Chris (3:48)
2nd Place: One free session at Pawsh Wash and one bag of Love Grub food.
- Winner: Alex Stofer (1:16)
3rd Place: $50 Lucky Dog gift certificate.
- Winner: Hannah Bolton (3:13)
Thank you again to everyone who participated with their pets in all our categories.
The 2020 LHS Fur Ball would not have been the same without each of you!