Adoption Story: Tundra

Tundra has been a Lawrence Humane resident for several months. This lovely couple had been fostering Tundra off and on during that time. Each time they talked about possibly adopting him, they would receive a phone call about a potential adopter and take Tundra up to the shelter for a meet. The first meeting with an interested family wasn’t a good fit. In the second meeting, Tundra WAS adopted, but that eventually didn’t work out either and he was returned. The third time they brought Tundra in for a meet with a potential adopter, it was determined that family wasn’t the right fit either. As soon as one of our adoption counselors let this couple know the third meet didn’t work out, they were ready to sign the adoption papers themselves! The gentleman walked outside to get something from his car and Tundra whined looking out the window wanting him to come back. It was very clear to the adoption counselor they all had a wonderful bond. So after 2 family meetings that didn’t work out, 1 failed adoption, and almost 2 months as a resident in their home, they foster failed. From all of us at the shelter (and our foster community), we couldn’t be happier for Tundra and his official new parents. 
