Another fantastic Paw Valley Challenge in the books! This year, we collectively logged nearly 13,000 miles (that’s 4.5 times back and forth across the United States!) and we raised $29,644 for the pets and people of Lawrence Humane – wow! Enjoy these photos from our month of walking and our Paw Valley party on the front lawn of the shelter!

A huge shout out to all our sponsors and vendors who joined us – we had so many more vendors this year and it was so fun! Truity Credit Union fired up the grill and provided the food; Lawrence Beer Company provided a delicious keg of seltzer; Colin Nichols played us some tunes; our friends from Hill’s Pet Nutrition passed out all sorts of fun goodies; Dottie, the mobile truck from the Lawrence Public Library was there offering free books and library cards; we had Aunt Nancy’s Face Art and Gabe the Caricature artist painting and drawing beautiful faces; Lawrence Pet Friends came to talk to folks about their pet-sitting services; First State Bank & Trust, Fleet Feet, LMH Health, and Tommy’s Car Wash were handing out fun goodies to participants; and Torched Goodness brought their incredible crème brûlées!
We’re so thankful to all those who participated and hope you’ll join us again next year!