Recent press:
Stories from the shelter:

Dill’s Story: Changing the Life of a dog with Paraplegia
When Dill came to the shelter in early August, he was in poor condition. He was slightly underweight and extremely scared. Dill had suffered a spinal injury resulting in paraplegia.

Introducing the Wet Nose News digital magazine!
Drum roll, please! We are absolutely thrilled to present the first-ever issue of the Wet Nose News digital magazine. This monthly interactive magazine is chock full of animal stories, fun
#GivingTuesday: How You Can Use Social Media To Help Pets in Need!
There are days when social media can just be too much. Although social media can be a fantastic source of cute puppy and kitty content, many of us still have a

Kitty City at Lawrence Arts Center
The Lawrence Arts Center is once again partnering with the Lawrence Humane Society to bring kittens into the gallery! Kitty City is a fanciful cityscape visible from outside the arts

Pets in the Press: KSHB 41 Action News on CPR Fund
Animal shelters offer pet owners financial assistance during coronavirus pandemic By Jordan Betts, reporter for KSHB The economic wrath of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has forced Americans to make many

Dear Lawrence Community, We’re so Thankful
Dear Lawrence Community, Here at our shelter, we sure do have a lot to be thankful for. Every year, thousands of dogs, cats and four-legged friends of every kind come
Wet Nose News SpoNsors
Wet Nose News sponsors help us offer quality content across several different platforms including our social media platforms, a weekly email newsletter, our blog right here on the website, and on our YouTube channel. By sponsoring the Wet Nose News, our loyal and passionate community sees that your business supports the shelter’s programs and services.
If your business is interested in becoming a Wet Nose News sponsor, please contact Sydney at