Recent press:
Stories from the shelter:

Adoption Story: Kota
I wanted to adopt an animal because I wanted my forever friend! Kota has been my best friend and we do everything together. I decided she was the dog for

CPR Fund: Sunny & Rocket
I only want to give them as much as they’ve given to me.” Sunny and Rocket’s mom, Michelle, applied for the Crisis Pet Retention Fund at the beginning of November

Adoption Story: Cricket
“My friend posted on social media that he found a dog dumped off on the side of the road by his farm. I messaged him to see if I could

Adoption Story: Etta
A Bloodhound as been a dream dog for us for many years. My boss, Beth (a tireless advocate for animal adoptees) sent me a video LHS posted of Lady Bird

Adoption Story: Lennie
I was bringing used towels and cleaner to the shelter and thought I would just glance at the dogs. I saw Lennie and asked to see him. He did everything to

Adoption Story: Chloe
Chloe was taken from a bad breeder in the area. She was a day from delivering her babies and was sent to a foster home in Eudora where she had
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