Recent press:
Stories from the shelter:

Mass Street Kitten Academy
Mary Costello has always strived to be creative about finding her foster kittens’ future homes. Over the seven years of fostering the tiny felines, she has found success by taking

CPR Fund Helps Kitten Receive Lifesaving Surgery
On Tuesday, October 20, a woman called the Lawrence Humane Society with a veterinary emergency and spoke with staff member, Jessica Kierstead. She reported her two month old kitten had

Rainbow Strings Around Lawrence
Perhaps you have seen the strings of rainbow colored knick-knacks around town and wondered where they came from and what they mean. What started out as a small passion project

How to Celebrate Your Pet’s “Gotcha Day”
You’ve just adopted the perfect pup or kitty and you already love them so much. You want to spoil them rotten like the little fur babies they are, but how?

Crisis Pet Retention Fund Keep Pets and Families Together
Recently, Lawrence Humane Society staff arrived at work to discover a cat left outside the shelter overnight in the rain. The scared cat was in a box, along with a

Fur Ball Contest Winners
The Lawrence Humane Society put out the call for Douglas County residents to participate in our 2020 Fur Ball Contests. You answered, and we have the winners! First up, we
Wet Nose News SpoNsors
Wet Nose News sponsors help us offer quality content across several different platforms including our social media platforms, a weekly email newsletter, our blog right here on the website, and on our YouTube channel. By sponsoring the Wet Nose News, our loyal and passionate community sees that your business supports the shelter’s programs and services.
If your business is interested in becoming a Wet Nose News sponsor, please contact Sydney at